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Homo sapiens, commonly known as the humans, us, we somehow came into being in this marvelous universe much of what is still unexplored. We, as a species, are desperately trying to understand ourselves, our surrounding and the universe itself like any other species would. Thinking about the technological advancements made in the era of humans, one obvious question that often boggles me is, “Are we The humans, any different from any other species?” Like us any other organism would also try to study its surrounding, its habitat, it would too try to socialize. Obviously not in the same sense as we humans do, but that’s just our way of looking at things, the human way. Well I honestly don’t know. Maybe we are too advanced or maybe it’s just the human lens the way we look at things. We came into this world as humans just about 300,000 years ago, a time interval so insignificant relative to the cosmic scale that it doesn’t even make any sense to talk about it. And yet we, The humans did everything we could, created every kind of destruction possible, fought wars, made peace, invented and discovered things, and what not. Heck we even had the misfortune of witnessing a live atom bomb! And after creating and nurturing wonderful minds who are capable of finding and discovering all the little secrets the universe has to offer to us we are still incapable of answering many questions which might seem very fundamental to some people like - How the universe came into being? Are we alone? Is the standard model consistent? People of all ages from all eras have indulged in these kinds of philosophical questions and since we the humans are imaginative creatures, we always tried our best to answer….or maybe not. Most people when they try to approach these kind of questions, instead of simply admiring the fact that we will have to explore a lot in order to unravel the mystery behind the origination of the universe as we know it or rather simply saying “I DON’T KNOW”, they direct all of this whatever it is today to just one entity famously known as the GOD.

GOD, the seemingly nonexistent paradoxical entity single-handedly responsible for the deaths of many innocent lives, for the bigotry minorities are facing today, for wars fought in the name of blasphemy and religion, somehow manages to win the hearts of these very people. If you would ask me, I'd say that its existence came when people started wondering about their origination and simply couldn’t find any explanation. I mean there were no biologists and chemists at that time trying to understand how the first amino acids, the building blocks of carbon based life itself, might have originated. And being the lazy and imaginative humans we are, we made God. But now we are at a stage where we can confidently answer about the very existence of the human species through the means of neo-Darwinism, origination of amino acids and what not then why on earth do people living today still believe in the concept of god? Are they ignorant at their own will? Childhood Indoctrination? Could be…For all we know, no evidence suggests the existence of such a being that sees everything and controls everything and since there is no evidence, we are simply not interested in the concept of god. For people like me, its just another fairy tale!

Carl Sagan famously said that the earth is just a Pale blue Dot. That is exactly what we are both in the universe and in the cosmic timeline. Our existence is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Maybe we are the most advanced civilization in the whole universe who knows? We accidentally came into being in this wonderful universe full of secrets and mysteries and we have no idea of what happens to us once we die. So maybe we should rather divert our focus to ourselves and the one beside us while we are still alive. Let us celebrate the fact that we, the humans, are here today, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today here on earth, the most beautiful planet to have ever existed. Our lives have no purpose, and everything that you do will not affect the universe a bit and that is exactly why we, the Humans, should live our lives to the fullest and enjoy every second of the day and every day of the year because you might never get to enjoy it again!

Bob Biswas, 22-01-2024